In the latest installation of persuasion to the citizens that government is here to help. A recent news report out of Florida details the microchipping of American children with the predicti... Read more
DENISON, TEXAS – The Denison police have set up a new police supervision spot and they’re calling it a “safe place” to meet people when you buy, sell, or trade your g... Read more
At a time when the entirety of Western civilization is focused on eliminating police corruption and ending the suffering that unlawful police departments inflict upon citizens, a Texas State... Read more
(Warning: Graphic Language) Speaking to an all might officer or even so much as looking in their direction can have you facing a barrage of verbal abuse and threats of imprisonment. Every d... Read more
UPDATES at Bottom Texas officials and healthcare workers from around the state are urgently warning friends and family that an “imminent Ebola epidemic is a certainty“. This is n... Read more
Last week First Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas blamed a flaw in their Electronic Health Records (EHR) system for the oversight that led to the discharge of Thomas Duncan, exposing countless... Read more
At least 700 infants may have been exposed to tuberculosis in the nursery area of a Texas hospital. The babies were put at risk of catching the contagious disease by a member of staff who wa... Read more
American children are beginning the new school year and walking directly into the Obama regime’s line of fire. Over the summer as experts, Patriots and adherents of common sense were warning... Read more
More than 100 community colleges and universities have acquired DOD surplus through the 1033 program since 1998. Today’s campus police could make the Kent State Massacre look like kids... Read more
CARACAS, VENEZUELA –Venezuela’s food shortage is so bad the country is mandating that people scan their fingerprints at grocery stores in order to keep people from buying too much of a... Read more
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is conducting a nationwide search of its cold storage units after discovering vials of smallpox in a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cold storage room... Read more
Hours after Liberia announced a ‘shoot on sight’ order for people crossing the border from Sierra Leone in an effort to curb the spread of Ebola, has learned that... Read more