The government declassified 30 years worth of alien research, Russia is being cra cra again, we discuss the state of the union, and Matthew Short (PR Director of Don’t Comply) joins us... Read more
Abby talks about Arizona Senator, John McCain’s call to arm the Ukrainian army with lethal weapons, and how this is just the latest in his line of war hawk policies. – RT Read more
Russia and American tensions continue to escalate as Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down Thursday in eastern Ukraine along Russia’s border. Without a full investigation, Barac... Read more
Outlaws Russian-made AK-47 rifles with stroke of his unconstitutional pen. Obama exploited the conflict in Ukraine to target the importation of the popular AK line of firearms manufactured b... Read more
Moscow (AFP) – A leading anchor on Russian state television on Sunday described Russia as the only country capable of turning the United States into “radioactive ash”, in a... Read more