We often hear that being a Police officer is the most dangerous job in America. We often hear people talk about the sacrifice and the shear amount of danger that police officers face day in... Read more
At least 700 infants may have been exposed to tuberculosis in the nursery area of a Texas hospital. The babies were put at risk of catching the contagious disease by a member of staff who wa... Read more
More than 100 community colleges and universities have acquired DOD surplus through the 1033 program since 1998. Today’s campus police could make the Kent State Massacre look like kids... Read more
Even as the US government is ramping up it’s efforts to out-do every totalitarian regime that has come before, the people of the United States of America are engaging in mass demonstra... Read more
As reported by Pamela Geller at FreedomOutpost and other sites, a group that is alternately known as Muslims of the Americas/Jamaat ul-Fuqra is maintaining a enclave and training center on C... Read more