Texas State Representative Valoree Swanson, (R) a freshman lawmaker from the Houston area who just beat out a 7 term incumbent, has filed House Bill 1050, also known as the Texas Property Freedom Act, a bold move in an attempt to abolish property taxes.

Texas State Representative Valoree Swanson, (R)
Swanson bemoaned, “Property taxes have long hindered Texans’ ability to achieve their dreams. The Texas Property Freedom Act will be a major step forward in ensuring that all Texans have the opportunity to achieve that dream.”
HB 1050 reads that: “The imposition of ad valorem taxes is an
inherently inequitable means to generate revenue necessary to fund
the provision of essential services to residents of this state.” She wants to eliminate the tax completely all across the state beginning on January 1st, 2022. This is simply giving the legislature five years to figure out other ways to take money from Texans or increase the other burdensome taxes to pay for the expanding police state, failing schools and unfilled potholes. Texas ranks in the top five highest of all the 50 states at around %1.90 of the property value.
Swanson exclaimed, “The right to keep one’s property is a foundational principle to our way of life. Texans should never have to fear the loss of their property due to constantly rising property taxes. Texans should not be forced to rent their property from the government after years of working to purchase it.”
I asked Voluntary East Texas Radio Show co-host and former Libertarian candidate for State Representative Joel Gardner what he thought about this new proposed law. He told me, “I like the first half of the bill where it abolishes property taxes. I don’t support the second half where it proposes replacing them with something else. All taxation is based on the assumption that everything belongs to government, and that government has a higher claim on the fruits of your labor than you do.” Well said, it would be a bigger blow for the cause of Freedom to weaken the knees even more by not replacing the missing revenue with more stolen money but to just privatize those local, city, and state services. My fingers are crossed along with thousands of other Texans in hopes that this bill succeeds, at least it would cancel out the Eternal Rent that property owners would be paying. We can tackle the other avenues they take to take more money from us later and if it’s a sales tax increase then self-sustainability would be even more beneficial. Exchanging goods through barter, trade, and buying things straight from the hands of others could help block additional taxes.
If you’re in Texas please call your Representative and tell them to support HB1050. Click here to find your Rep.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com