As history often repeats itself, usually the more negative and sadistic parts are the main ingredients of that repetition. Usurpation is a frequent yet overlooked form of conflict. When opinions and principles differ within a group, a rebellion brews even when the founding policies are at stake. The Libertarian Party of Texas is currently being wounded by a division of principles which in turn is boiling into a serious possibility of tainting and tarnishing this rising third political party.
On one side there are the Voluntaryist and Anarchist types who believe in minimal to no government. The other side is the Republican rejects who were cast out from the establishment possibly because of one ideal that was different from the rest. The exile and one anti-republican principle instantly made them Libertarian in their minds. Bringing the remnants of their authoritarian ideals into a party that was founded as “The party of principle and the party of the people”, is a recipe for disaster. While talking to the LP candidate for US Senate Phil Gray, we learn that a takeover is being concocted as we speak. He told me that a few in the power play, who consist of SLEC member, former and current Gubernatorial candidate Kathie Glass, State Libertarian Executive Committee (SLEC) member Tommy Attaway, and Senate candidate Neal Dikeman, “have not disavowed this takeover effort nor have they repudiated their involvement in it”.

Attaway was nicknamed “Little Napoleon” by some militia members because of his overthrow mentality.
Thousands of Libertarians have worked really hard to gain ballot access, and it was apparent with Mark Miller’s courageous run for Railroad Commissioner back in 2016 when he broke the 5% threshold for the LP. It could be all in vain if these authoritarians steal it to advance their anti-libertarian agendas. Gray went on to say that “Kathie Glass’s failure to forcefully repudiate this attack speaks volumes. Her sole comment, to my knowledge, is to state that the SLEC needs a vote of 2/3rds to begin to prevent its success. I have heard no comment from Neal Dikeman, Kathie’s choice for US Senate. I am number 1 on their hit list.” He concluded with “The LP is the voice for freedom that has steadily increased its volume over the years. 2018 could be the first time we can impact the duopoly. We are thus at our most vulnerable. This is the time to gather our forces for freedom. The damage that can be done to the LP is serious. If they pack the precinct conventions Tuesday, they can pack the delegations to the State Convention. If successful, they can accept a minority platform report that Tommy will bring to the floor, effectively making the LP a seccessionist, xenophobic party that seeks to establish a state religion. This will be the end for LP legitimacy in Texas for years. The vast majority of Texans have not voted. Bring your friends! Bring your family! Bring new friends! Come to the LP. Come to our conventions on Tuesday. Don’t let the forces of authority still our voice. We are the voice for freedom. We need your help.”
Wouldn’t this possible takeover attempt to change the core beliefs? If so the National Libertarian leadership could revoke the use of the Libertarian label essentially omitting them as members of the party that they were trying to change. I reached out to Patrick Smith a candidate for Not Governor in Texas about this shake-up.
He relayed to me: