The topic of secession has risen again so I went to a group that claims wholeheartedly to have it all figured out without the need to secede.
I gathered the info and put it into their perspective:
For many years they have seen Texas secession popular among a small minority of United States Citizens residing in Texas. Since the chaotic 2020 election and with Trump stymied from a 2nd term, the knee-jerk reaction for secession has gained in popularity. The jury is out about organizations like the Texas Nationalist Movement, Freedom Texas, Open Texas, and other organizations that are fed up with the tyranny, all of them being United States Citizens. In fact, they tell me that a few of them were in some of those groups awhile back during their constant research on how to get out from under the iron fist of this current criminal, unlawful, and overbearing totalitarian regime. Many questions surfaced on a variety of topics when discussing Texas secession.
How does secession prevent people’s indoctrination or consumer mentality? It doesn’t. For decades the U.S. Citizens residing in Texas have voted themselves into a larger police state. A police state they must blame themselves for with constantly choosing the lesser of all the evils. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, etc. are all participants in the same corrupt system that we are all familiar with. We all know Texas loves its football and spends more tax money on football stadiums than any other state in the Union. Their “bread and circus” is their world when it comes to U.S. Citizens residing in Texas. Their love for police and authority, in general, are well known by all the world. Likewise, their consumerism for cheap Chinese products is equally just as disturbing. If such a Texas secession occurred (again) you can bet on very high tariffs for the new Republic.
What is the Texas Nationalists Movement or any of these pro-secession groups’ solution for the existing politicians if they get their way? For any sitting De Facto politician it would be political suicide to vote for secession. Even if you removed them all, nothing would improve. They would be trading one tyranny for another. While it may be more confined to just a state-level tyranny than the United States as a whole, but the fact is that countries much smaller than Texas have/are communist and have committed some of the world’s greatest genocides. For instance, take what State Rep. Kyle Biedermann a Republican from Fredericksburg the one who filed the secession bill in the state house, said in an article by Texasscorecard. He beat around the bush and failed to include his own oppressive government that he is a member of by only saying that “the federal government continues to fail working-class families, seniors, taxpayers, veterans, and small-business owners and has eroded individual liberties for decades.”
Not only has the District of Columbia failed but also all of the current Texas government down to the local dogcatcher. This Texas government fails ALL people every day by continuously putting harsh restrictions, permits, licenses, zoning laws, and many other unlawful and unjust ordinances upon them. Many if not most seniors are on Social Security which is its own separate challenge. You can kiss that Social Security and Medicare goodbye because it is in law that this government has no promise to send you money for anything. They can cease payment anytime and if Texas goes to war you better be ready. On taxes, that will continue to increase. Especially property taxes, in which every single county in Texas has continued to raise time and time again. If you are a veteran it may even be worse since you gave Oath to all of the United States Constitution. We all know how Texas and the rest of the U.S. treats its veterans with many committing suicide, getting hooked on the drugs that the VA feeds them, and becoming homeless. Does Texas care about its veterans? The simple answer is no, it does not. The Texas government would rather line their pockets and steal off your table with their countless lawmakers who keep legislating their constituents into despair.
It wasn’t the District of Columbia who locked you down and killed small business here in Texas. It was the Texas government including the mayors, county judges, and others who did it “for your own good”. They usurped power they never had under your present constitution and you let them destroy the backbone of the Texas economy. They sent their mercenaries to come into your businesses, shut you down, fine you unlawfully, and even throw some people in cages, but still expected you to cough up their tax money. In the meantime did Walmart, Target, and other big chains have to shut down? No, because they have government contracts and other deals with these same politicians. So your big chain stores will stay whether Texas secedes or not and even worse is the fact that most U.S. Citizens residing in Texas absolutely love their big chain stores.
Then we have the eroded individual liberties that the uninformed State Rep. Kyle Biedermann cries about. Has he and the others in Austin already forgotten how Texas Governor Greg Abbott completely trashed the Texas Bill of Rights in most recent Texas Constitution. Greg Abbott and his minions have destroyed Sec. 2, Sec. 3, Sec. 6, Sec. 8, Sec. 9, Sec. 10, Sec. 13, Sec. 16, Sec. 18, Sec. 19, Sec. 26, Sec. 27, Sec. 28, and Sec. 29. That’s just Article 1 ladies and gentlemen. Please research these sections within Article 1 as it is blatantly obvious of the severe violations by the Texas government just in the last year alone.
They seriously doubt that most Texas residents, which they say are not lawfully domiciled in Texas, to begin with, would want to drop their United States 14th amendment Citizenship which binds them to the federal and state governments. Not to mention things like Social Security, Medicare, and other federal benefits that at least half of the US Citizens residing in Texas are on. They see so many illogical pipedreams in Texas secession. Another question is that would the Texas residents be willing to go to war with the entirety of the United States?
Then of course you have places like Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio where many residents already support socialism/communism by being so entrenched with the nanny state. So somehow you would have to get rid of not only all of the Texas government but a big portion of the liberal population. Even then, many conservatives still have the mindset that not all redistribution of wealth like taxes and welfare is bad. Most still believe that giving more power to the government beyond original constitutional limitations is alright as long as it’s for the “public good”. Then of course people have to calculate how much of a police state they’re willing to accept considering the majority of the U.S. Citizens who live in Texas love their cops. People are simply too indoctrinated and don’t know law or history. So any U.S. Citizen revolution, whether peaceful or violent is in vain. Instead, it must be done with knowledge because, without that, more tyranny is the only outcome. So if Texas residents really want freedom, secession will not the solution.
Very few people know of this group who I talked to, the Texas American Republic (TAR). They are in a different jurisdiction not connected with the De Facto Texas, and U.S. governments. The birth of their existence came on March 2nd, 2019 following in the footsteps of North Carolina American Republic (NCAR), this small contingency of Texans, desiring to be free from the tyranny of D.C., reestablished their De Jure (lawful) sovereign state. At this time it is named The Texas American Republic. They have reestablished this de jure state under the 1845 Texas Constitution which they revised to remove slavery and other things through the provisional government they have in place with their members (Texas Citizens) being in full control with the elected officials being more like guardians. They have not seceded from the American Union, in fact in pledging their allegiance in Texas they also pledged allegiance to the original confederation of nation-states pre 1861. Their main goal is to grow the lawful State of Texas, and to help those in other states to find the same freedom through reestablishment that they have.
I asked Shawn Watson, the governor of the Texas American Republic to give me a statement defining his remedy instead of secession:
“Revert back to Texas citizenship which is the original citizenship for Texas and cancel your United States citizen slave status. Connect with the new lawful government condemning the reconstruction acts and 14th amendment legally because in law you can be a Texas citizen without being a United States Citizen (14th amendment nationalized slave). Right now what you are under is a de facto tyrannical Texas government just as bad as the people in DC and depending on the subject even worse than DC. You don’t need to secede when you have a lawful political body and state. We Texas citizens have already sent much to both the de facto State of Texas (Abbott, Paxton, etc) as well as the de facto U.S. government to people like Trump, etc. We have returned to the 1845 Texas constitution (amended/repealed) which is Texas’s last lawful constitution and prior to foreign usurpation.
We understand that a majority of United States Citizens are on some form of National benefits and other government assistance. While we would like to see it fazed out over time, to do so in such a fast manner as secession would propose would cause famine and civil unrest. However with our long term goal in mind we wouldn’t have anyone dependant on ANY government, U.S., Texas or otherwise. After all these socialist policies you can’t just destroy overnight since a majority is on some form of it.
Your citizenship, allegiance and the contracts you’ve made over time is a huge portion of a lack of freedom itself. This reconstructed State of Texas and its government can not represent you or you will end up with the same ole tyranny by default. The good news is legally you can change such citizenship, allegiance and cancel most of these contracts you’ve made via lawful means just as many of our Texas citizens have already done.
Ultimately without first getting rid of dependency coupled with putting a stop to massive global consumerism a seceded Texas will fall right back into what you see now. The de jure government of Texas with its Texas citizens propose a more local and isolationist point of view to keep our resources, money, and business within Texas and within our own citizenry. Otherwise, you are merely funneling it out and damaging small business itself. A de jure government of Texas requires no new tariffs like secession would. The secessionist view would see a whole new slew of tariffs from places like Mexico and the U.S. That would damage the Texas economy further.
Anyone regardless of sex, color, etc can become a lawful Texas citizen and there is plenty of case law to back this up. We already have a Declaration of Reestablishment, Proclamations, Oaths to the lawful state of Texas, Affidavits of Citizenship, and Domicile among other paperwork. Coupled with a fantastic legal argument, we have not lost against the de facto State of Texas or the usurpers within the National government. To be blunt, what we need is more Texas citizens. This is the lawful and legal alternative. Texas is not alone nor the only state with their own state citizens and lawful government either. Instead of war or secession, we use a lawful counter-revolution which doesn’t ask for your lives and the things that you hold dear. I’ll be coming out with an article pointing some of this out further very soon. We Texas citizens have a ton of information, law, and history on our side. Still to this day no court or otherwise can combat our legal arguments. “
A few statements on who they are and who they are not, that I jotted down from a brochure that I got from them, outlined below:
Who we are
- We are the de jure state body politic and government of Texas. The Republic of Texas was originally established as a sovereign country on March 2nd, 1836; Texas entered the Union on December 29th, 1845.
- We are the Texas American Republic, reestablished on March 2nd, 2019 upon lawful foundation as per original intent; we re-entered the lawful American Union with our Sister State of North Carolina American Republic on March 3rd, 2019.
- We are State Citizens as the founders intended, not 14th Amendment, nationalized U.S. Citizens, alien to our state.
- We are a viable State with an active governing body which meets regularly to conduct business of the state.
- We are a counter revolution against the unconstitutional Reconstruction Acts of the 39th Congress.
- We are a peaceful and lawful people following the truth of history; we are at peace with the de facto occupying government in our State; we are at peace with the de facto United States.
- We are a free people and welcome families and individuals who recognize lawful State government of Texas.
- Who we are not
We are not secessionists.
We do not support individual sovereignty/sovereign citizenship as we believe that sovereignty exists in the body of people organized as a State.
We do not support patriot mythology such as “the United States is a corporation and not a government as legal argument, as all government’s charter and function as corporations.
We do not support the concept that our inherent rights were lost to birth certificates, banks, SS contracts, etc.
We do not believe there is remedy in the 10th Amendment in the present nationalized system. This amendment is applicable only to states composed of free citizens, not states composed of nationalized U.S. Citizens.
We do not participate or vote in unconstitutionally created states.
We are not a violent or aggressive political body; we are not a militia movement.
We do not seek power of dominance but rather lawful, limited, republic governance where the people are supreme over the elected officials.
Unless you want economic devastation, further tyranny, and a war then you should not support secession. There is already a lawful, peaceful, and legitimate way to achieve more freedom and get out from under the jurisdiction of this draconian authority available for you to consider. A peaceful alternative is paramount rather than violence and life long burdens for you and your children. It’s also a fact that their statutes put their citizens before anything else without overbearing rulers. I hope that you found this informative and you take time to research because these are very serious matters. If you have any further questions feel free to drop them an email and they assured me that they will do their best to answer them promptly. They also have a website. ( And a special thanks to Shawn Watson for all of the information that i received to make this article possible.