In case we neededed any more proof that the governmental apparatus allegedly meant to serve the people has been turned completely upside-down, this latest national embarrassment by our ruling class in Washington should serve to push us right over the edge. After President Obama’s executive action on immigration was rubber-stamped earlier this week in the Senate (by Republicans who apparently haven’t been informed yet that they’re in the majority), the House finally stood in the way of its full funding by a slim insurrection of Republicans voting against leadership to block funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to which the executive action would have been attached.
If you’re breathing a sigh of relief over this brief reprieve from executive lawlessness, not so fast. Let the story beneath the story be revealed first: Obama, with his pen and his phone, decided that the law of the land on immigration no longer applied, and signed an executive order granting amnesty to aliens illegally residing in the United States. Then Senate Republicans, forgetting that voters put them in power to check Obama’s out-of-control behavior, caved to the minority over fears of being blamed for a DHS shutdown, fully funding the amnesty measure along with it. Finally, the “bill” was sent to the House of Representatives, who just narrowly “vetoed” it, settling for a meager stopgap. At least you can rest assured that the Federals’ fingers will remain in your dainties, and their fatigue-wearing, armored jackboots will be ready to lock down your neighborhood for another precious week.

Executive Amnesty dreams of one day passing the Senate and being signed by Congress. Image:
But I digress. Remember when you were a kid watching Schoolhouse Rock, and the little rolled-up piece of paper sang to the boy about how he originated on the President’s desk, and can’t wait to pass the Senate so he can go to the House to be signed into law?
Of course you don’t, because that’s not the way a Constitutional Republic works. Never mind that the DHS possesses the very domestic standing army our founders warned us about. Never mind that Obama’s amnesty is a nakedly treacherous attempt to drown out the electorate with illegitimately voting people who largely can’t read, much less make an informed decision about their leadership. What should really shock us about the way Washington is behaving is that we now live under a governmental system in which bills literally move backwards through Congress. Let that sink in.

The Aquilae of the Roman Republic and the American Republic, complete with arrows, olive branches, and populist Latin phrases. – Roman Eagle Design made by Erebus
We are now mirroring the path of the Roman Republic as it descended into its Imperial period, with an alarming set of parallels. Caesar’s domestic army has crossed the Rubicon into the homeland, and the power of the Senate is rapidly diminishing. The government no longer concerns itself with the consent of the governed, as its leaders scramble to position themselves favorably among the aristocracy under the new order. The plebeians are pacified with free bread and distracted with spectacle in the Colosseum. Sexual decadence is the rule rather than the exception. Foreign wars are perpetual, and to stir patriotic fervor for these wars, the Aquila is glorified and stamped all over the place to represent “freedom.”
This presidential amnesty fight is merely a symptom of that terrible imperial disease. It’s yet another sign that the United States Government is positioning itself to become a Washingtonian Empire in which government actions originate with a single central authority, turning the sovereign States into provinces – merely enforcement arms for that central authority, which is absolute. The people are being stupefied, and tricked into believing that this transition from representative Republic into centrally-planned Empire is necessary for the future of the homeland – that the barbarian tribes should be fought in barbarian lands, rather than at home.
But there is a remedy for this lawlessness. As we reach back into history, we can find inspiration in another parallel: even in its darkest, most totalitarian days, the Roman government was beholden to the mob. It was even safe to say that, although the people had relatively little in the way of freedom, Rome itself was built upon the mob and its behavior. It was rightly seen by the Aristocracy as a beast that could devour their system whole if it was not appeased.
So too is America. If it wasn’t, then politicians would feel no need to sing and dance in front of the media to engineer public opinion. They wouldn’t have to release propaganda about how “no human being is illegal,” or how failing to fund DHS would open the floodgates to the barbarian hordes. As much as they wish it wasn’t so, they need us more than we need them – and they need us stupid.
The remedy is for society at large to opt out of the “bread and circuses,” and thus opt out of the imperial system that requires their participation.
Easier said than done, since the bread comes easy and the circuses are brightly-colored, all by design. While the distractions placed before us are perilously easy to absorb, the value of reason must be carefully nurtured and rigorously taught. It takes discipline, and discipline is less fun than distraction. But one reasoning individual who loves liberty is a formidable opponent of the imperial system. A handful pose a very serious threat to it, and a nation full of them would be unstoppable.
This is a challenge to you: forget about whether the DHS gets paid, and forget about whether the illegals get to vote. We have already crossed the Rubicon, the die is cast, and what will come will come with or without you spending precious energy on it. Worry instead about a system that appeals to your base emotions and depends on your gullibility. It’s going to be a hard sell for most, but a necessary one if we are to be spared the long, sad decline of our ancient predecessors. It may be too late for Washington, but it’s not too late for you.
By Anthony James Kidwell –
Joseph Mosser
Very good article, Anthony. Totally agree. Wanted to point one thing out though: parallels aside, history will show that Julius Caesar was actually the reformer we need today. Granted, he was not a moral man of standards we should imitate, as few men of that time were of imitable standards (but Christ hadn’t occurred yet, so we can give it a pass). Caesar came to Rome to check the power of the oligarchical Senate that was consolidating wealth and land for its own privileged few (who served for life, by the way. Supreme Court, anyone?). The Senate at that time was not serving the people as much as it was enriching itself, giving all the land to a few rich men and tax farming and oppressing the people. Caesar planned to end this, and the Senate killed him for it.
Aside from that point, you are totally correct.
Olaf Olson
The similarities between the Roman Aquila and Great Seal are intentional. In the late 18th century Rome was just about the only example of a successful republic available, and because of its connection with the idea of Western Civilization, the founders chose it for that very reason.
Giorgio De Michele
The roman eagle design you used in your article is my own design as you can see here:
It is my copyright and that of the client that commissioned it and those who paid rights to use the image.
Since you don’t asked my permission, you don’t have any right to the image, thu at least give proper credit by linking to the original design, and writing “made by Erebus” in a caption, thanks.
Phoenix Horton
Sorry for any mix up in the source of images, we are happy to remove or give credit to images you created at your preference.
Thank You.