A few weeks ago we heard about massive snow storms moving into the New York area that would shut the city down for days with 24 to 36 inches of snow predicted. It turned out to be an exaggerated report, but it was not just the talking heads blowing things out of proportion. The meteorologists were so off track that even Gary Szatkowski, the meteorologist running the National Weather Service’s office in Mt. Holly, New Jersey sent out multiple apologies:
My deepest apologies to many key decision makers and so many members of the general public.
— Gary Szatkowski (@GarySzatkowski) January 27, 2015
![Weather Forecast Chart](https://i0.wp.com/www.dontcomply.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/WeatherForecast3-EN-300x198.jpg?resize=300%2C198)
The individual value plot shows that the 10-day forecast exhibits more variation than the other two forecasts. – minitab.com
We should expect more accuracy than ever considering meteorologist now have access to supercomputers collecting more that 1 million weather-related observations every day from gauges and sensors around the globe. The same supercomputers that tell us we will all burn to death in 50 years due to global warming by a few degrees. Although in one weather forecast accuracy study it showed that a “10-day forecast overestimated the high temperature by as much as 8 degrees and underestimated it up to 17 degrees” How can we then grant any credibility to similar computer models predicting our downfall years from now.
So why do we still see such large discretions in forecasting? My first question is whether or not these super computers take into account the weather modification being done across America?
We have all heard of chemtrails and other weather modification related conspiracies. The problem is for something to be a conspiracy by definition it would need to be a secret and not public knowledge. At least in Texas it is absolutely no secret that they manupilate the weather. We have a state-run program known as the Weather Modification Advisory Committee paid for by our tax dollars. They meet several times a year at the Capital in Austin, TX. The Committee issues the official licenses to the companies that do weather modification and cloud seeding for Texas. They serve under the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. So there is no conspiracy here, just a disturbing level of misinformed populations that act like it does not exist and can not be bothered to look at the official State of Texas website not only showing the Weather Modification Department but also listing the meeting notes and videos.
Once you know without a doubt that we have state-run weather modification programs running, an entire new set of question start to arise, in my mind at least.
- If cloud seeding and weather modification is not acknowledged by meteorologist then how can they hope to accurately predict the weather especially those that work in the global warming field of study?
- Why does the media continue to deny claims of weather modification, and chemtrails when a quick Google search would give irrefutable evidence to its existence?
- Could the denial and concealment of such programs now be used to further the global warming agenda later by manipulating weather statistics?
We know that the cloud seeding programs not only manipulates where it rains in our state but also the man-made clouds can cool an area by blocking the sun. It is not a far stretch to image the power of this if you want to enact extreme global warming legislation along with massive taxes. All you would need to do is start to rapidly drawback the cloud seeding operations across the globe. We would then appear to have a sudden increase in global temperatures and all the “scientific stats” you need to prove we are facing a horrible scenario if the world does not bow to the demands of a global carbon tax by the U.N. This is just one of the many dangers of playing with our environment without the knowledge of the population. If our government was only worried about getting rain to farmers crops then why would there be such a massive effort to pretend these operations are not in effect?
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Like many other conspiracy theories, weather modification is easily proven and not hard to research but remains known as a lunatic delusion only because the media claims it to be. Makes you wonder how many other lies are right in front of your face and shows how easy it is to set a false narrative in this country. As stated before we are not dealing with a conspiracy, we are dealing with a mass psychosis of denial.
By Phoenix Horton – DontComply.com