This past Friday while filing for the New Hampshire Republican Primary Ben Carson exclaimed: “I think we should have a database on everybody who comes into this country, and hopefully, we already have a database on every citizen who is already here. If we don’t, we are doing a very poor job.”
Donald Trump said earlier in the week at a campaign rally in Idaho that “security is going to rule” if he gets in the White House.
He was asked if he would go against the Constitution and permit the use of warrantless searches. He Responded with “We’re going to have to do things that we never did before, and some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule and certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.”
The media claims Trump also said about a database to track humans who happen to be of the Muslim religion “I would certainly implement that, Absolutely.” Although his supporters claim that was taken out of context in a edited video and that Trump was referring to the wall on our southern border that he wants to build.
Carson chimed in after being questioned by a reporter to comment on Trump’s remark. “I hope that we have a database on everybody! If we don’t have a database on every foreigner who comes into the country, we’re being negligent. I want us to be able to know who they are; I want us to know where they came from; I want us to know where they’re going and why they’re here.”
Then on Friday Trump flip-flopped, Sara Murray from CNN asked him if he would rule out Muslim databases, Mr. Trump told her that he didn’t “know where you heard that.”
Murray pressed again for an answer and no reply came from the Donald, he eventually coughed up a reply “I never responded to that question, Sara.”
Time and time again the politicians answers to all these tragedies, whether it be 9/11, Mass Shootings, or the attacks in Paris is always clamp down and spy and track all the citizens, putting everybody under intense scrutiny. The solution is a very simple one, lift all the stupid self-defense restrictions on the American people. By simply returning to the original 2nd Amendment and abolishing ALL the gun, knife, and body armor laws in this country, it would instantaneously provide the security that is sought by every individual. Like Ben Franklin said ‘Those who give up Liberty for Security deserve neither” and Robert Heinlein “An Armed Society is a Polite Society”. The Founding Fathers included the 2nd and 4th Amendments for these very specific reasons, just give us back our Rights and we can defend ourselves, we don’t need to be further recorded and tracked.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza –
Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd
Haven’t we already been informed that FedGov, via the NSA, has been building a database of the citizens of the USA for years? But it’s only now, when a couple of “Republican” presidential candidates broach the subject….NOW, everyone is concerned?
THIS is the most critical element of the vast amount of alleged “classified” information Edward Snowden exposed to the hardworking, taxpaying citizens of the United States of America.
THIS is the singular truth Snowden divulged to We The People for which FedGov expressly intends to severely punish him and why he cannot return to the USA:
Any one entity that possesses this massive amount of personal and private information on each and every one of us, that entity, CONTROLS us; our loved ones, our friends …our government and our country.
The National Security Administration, (a.k.a. the NSA), the pet “Strong Arm” of the Banksters and MegaCorps, is now known to possess enough damning personal and private information to blackmail each and every person on the Supreme Court, to coerce each Democrat, each Republican, as well as every member of the MSM. Enough “dirty laundry” to command anyone into anything.
There ARE legitimate reasons for wanting privacy that have nothing to do with crime, National Security or “domestic” terrorism.
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Trump: Shut Down Internet, Shut Down Free Speech!
TRUMPED: The Donald, The Widow and Eminent Domain
Donald Trump: Replace Obamacare with Universal Health Care
Trump has done business with
Mike Arienti
Any human not willing to uphold the Constitution does not deserve to hold ANY political office in the US.
Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd
By that yardstick…there isn’t anyone within the DC beltway that should continue to hold office.
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