The round-up and corralling of Americans has been initiated for sometime now, the recent apprehensions, apparent execution, and multiple arrests in Oregon is the latest bloody straw drawn from the freedom cylinder. The Hammonds being locked away in cages for the second time due to the Anti-Terrorism Act passed through the hands of our evil congressional controllers. Cliven Bundy being arrested which is believed to have been made by using facial recognition technology and TSA, for staging a protest in his home state on his own property back in 2014. The FBI is currently tracking down everyone who simply stepped a foot on or near the Oregon Freedom base also gathering up participants from the Bundy Ranch standoff two years ago in Bunkerville, Nevada.

Mounted cowboys, militia and protesters advance on BLM agents, forcing a withdrawal of federal forces from the Bundy Ranch, April 2014.
Using live stream video, photos, audio, and social media posts, the Gestapo-esque Police State are using entrapment to snatch up these patriots and other participants from the comfort of their own homes. Stripping them away from their families who need them, for what? for exercising their ‘Lost Rights’.
The NDAA gives government the authority to grab and detain any citizen of the United States who they merely think ‘might’ be a terrorist, with no judge, (like they would help anyway) no jury, and no due process (from the unjust laws written against us). The 14th Amendment being slipped into the Constitution back during Reconstruction cancelled out any rights that Americans had and ushered in a slow poisonous drip of Police State Communism that is in plain sight today. Are we safe from the dark dressed hit-men in black SUV’s? To all the people who have ever stood at a rally, expressed their grievance, carried rifles, handed out informative literature, held a sign, waved a flag, and even more important anyone who has expressed their dislike and disapproval of the unjust, government online, ‘We the People’ are all targets. We are automatically insurgents of the State at birth, but these actions cement our demise. History does not sway in our favor, it has been erased, the Constitution is invalid and will not protect us in any way.
A projected list of about 68 individuals is being compiled by the order-following foot soldiers unleashed by the tyrannical masters. This blacklist contains citizens who simply supported a cause that challenged federal authority and brought awareness to a land grabbing, overreaching, electric eel type arm that stretches out of Washington DC to breach the peace of the people they are supposed to serve. The attack on independent journalists who are going against the grain and not complying to the government’s multitude of tyrannical orders and laws are a continued thorn in the side by the escalated awakening of freedom fighters who were previously misinformed and hidden from the knowledge of their rights in the public schools that they attended.
Internet Radio show host Pete Santilli, who reported on the patriot occupation as a citizen journalist who never even spent the night at the refuge, was detained and locked-up on felony conspiracy charges. Investigative journalist and Resurrect the Republic Radio show host Thomas Lacovara-Stewart who voluntarily funded his own trip to Burns, Oregon to offer his listeners and readers an alternate, true and un-biased report was targeted too with a knock on his hotel room door. Oregon State Police obviously didn’t like the presence of a truth seeker that broadcasted the protestors in a positive and non-aggressive light. Additionally uncovering Paiute artifacts, and gathering information for future research. So he was harassed, arrested on State charges and immediately released. Shortly after he was forced to leave town and return home to Texas. F.B.I. intimidation, and having armed men summoned to your room in our ‘beloved’ U.S.A. is a doomed repeat of history, luck was on their side unlike Bill Cooper, Gary Webb, and Michael Hastings to name a few who were murdered while in the midst of untangling an evil web of government deceit.
He was questioned about his participation during the refuge occupation, Mr. Santilli responded: “My role is the same here that it was at the Bundy ranch. To talk about the constitutional implications of what is going on here. The Constitution cannot be negotiated.” Unbeknownst to him the constitution was already usurped into the one-sided federal government and has lost its negotiation power.
John Whitehead, a Constitutional law and human rights attorney added that “The government doesn’t actually believe that 50-year-old Santilli is an accomplice to any criminal activity. Read between the line and you’ll find that what the government is really accusing Santilli of is employing dangerous speech.” Whitehead continued “As court documents indicate, the government is prosecuting Santilli solely as a reporter of information. In other words, they’re making an example of him, which is consistent with the government’s ongoing efforts to intimidate members of the media who portray the government in a less than favorable light.” Just like Orwell said
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
Our current draconian administration are on the hunt for dissenters, journalists, and protesters in a full-scale government assault by using accusations of hate speech and political correctness to silence us. The long list of “Domestic Terrorists” that was created by the very humans who are paid by stolen money to make decisions for us includes veterans, certain political parties, militias, and even cops. They want to eviscerate citizen and independent journalism, the only remaining types of journalism that is still free from regulations and control by the State.
Collaboration and networking with other like-minded individuals while we still can is essential to our survival. If we can amass and continue to stand for what’s right, for our fellow-man, for our future generations, and study different ways to counter the ever-growing tyranny we’ll have a chance. This is our country today, she is in desperate need of repair, the stomping march of projecting the truth and the essential knowledge of Freedom must be continued with its expansion encouraged.
”The America once extolled as the voice of liberty heard around the world no longer is cast in the image which Jefferson and Madison designed, but more in the Russian image.”
-Chief Justice Douglas, Laird v. Tatum, 408 U.S. 1 (1972)

Gradus Quia
Come to Texas. Don’t Comply during a citizen’s arrest of you. Die.
Constitutional rights are still real. Texans’ rights. The rest is fantasy, anyway.
No disrespect but there is no citizens arrest in Texas. The best you can
do is detain someone until a LEO arrives or bust a cap if you have to.
Michael Loflin
The 2nd amendment is a joke in Texas. You need a permit to open carry, that’s bullshit.