It seems I could sit at my desk all day long have no end to police brutality incidents to write about. There is still no larger debate going on in our nation’s capitol on how to resolve the issue of an entire class of people know as police, that seem to be above the law when it comes to instigating a situation and assaulting children and adults alike.
At schools across this country, we have thousands of teachers that have to maintain order. They are not allowed to physically restrain a child unless they pose a danger to others, and rightly so. In the video below a 13-year-old was not acting violently or aggressively at all, she was simply doing what any 13-year-old does, not listening.
Any teacher dealing with this situation would act like an adult and speak with the child or send her to the office to have her parents contacted. A police officer on the other hand, who has no accountability can get right in the child’s face like some sort of crazed drill instructor. When the child instinctively backs away from the violently threatening gesture, she is then grabbed and throw to the ground.
What a great life lesson for our future generation. If someone is not paying attention to you it is perfectly reasonable to assault them~ I have this same argument with parents that hit their children. I have two kids and have yet needed to resort to assaulting (spanking) them. Sure when they act up or don’t listen it takes time and creativity to explain why I am upset with their actions. It also takes a lot of patience to just realize a child does not have a fully developed brain and should not have the expectation of acting perfect at all times. The same people that have A-hole bosses and jerk customers can find a way to deal with these people without resorting to violence. When it is a child that is less than a quarter of their own size it then seems reasonable in their mind to hit them as the solution.
This police officer shown was the cause of a little girl getting 10 stitches to her head because she is in a job that does not require she use any restraint. We require that of our teachers and all of them find a way to deal with children peacefully. All the police apologist need to realize that cops can never improve their methods of behavior until society forces them to be held to a higher standard.
We now have video evidence in many more cases to help put on display the complete lack of respect police have for the public. It has gotten worse, but it as always been an underlying problem. I can even think of a time I had a run-in with police as a child. I once walked off of school property after getting upset with a teacher. I only lived a few blocks away so I made it home and sat down in my yard. A police officer pulled up to me (an upset child) and made no attempt to speak to me or see if I was O.K. He grabbed me a twisted my arm behind my back to throw me in his car. I remember being confused as to what would warrant such a violent and painful behavior upon me from an adult.
I now know it is the same mentality of a medieval torture master. They are doing the Kings work and they have no accountability for their crimes against us. The very occasional charge filed against an officer is typically a slap on the wrist compared to what one of us average citizens would receive. That is why I continue to post these accounts of “Law Enforcement Officials” acting like out of control children that have not gotten their way. It is time they know we are always watching, we are always judging. The pot is beginning to boil and every video I see like this turns the heat up. It is time for police to learn some professionalism and stop acting like orc grunts fighting for Middle Earth.
By Phoenix Horton –
Hey stupid you dont lay your hands on cops. How many broken noses does dindu nuffin need to have to learn this lesson? Time for the ghetto lottery.