So you think you should be able to make an informed decision for yourself about vaccinating your child? Not so much, say some Texas legislators like Jason Villalba (District 114 – Dallas County) and others who just introduced a barrage of new legislation aimed at forcing vaccines on the public. A total of nine new bills are up for consideration this legislative session, ranging from elimination of the “reasons of conscience” exemption, to statewide tracking of immunization statuses of human beings after the manner of household pets.
Opting out of vaccination shouldn’t be, but is, one of the most controversial subjects in health today. Parents who reserve the right to opt out of immunizations, scornfully dubbed “anti-vaxxers” by the media, hold very legitimate reservations about the effectiveness and safety of these vaccines including correlations to autism, moral dilemmas over aborted fetus tissue being used to develop these products, and anger over the loss of liberty resulting from government placing itself in between children and their families.
If these legislators get their way, this may become a dangerous time to be alive if you have made the choice to decline vaccinations. Alone, the pieces of legislation pose tiny, incremental threats to liberty that can be overcome, but together they paint a picture of a vast overreach of government power that will bring itself into your home and directly affect your family. (For your own good, of course).

Your doctor will probably tell you that you will die a horrible death without vaccines, but likely doesn’t even know what’s in them. Image:
For your convenience, here is a list of these ultra-statist pieces of legislation, complete with their authors, who are on a crusade to provide your good government shepherds the power they need to take care of your family’s health decisions for you – you miserable, unenlightened, unwashed peasants. You should call and thank them – after all, it’s “for the children.”
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HB 2006 – Jason Villalba (District 114 – Dallas County). This bill would eliminate the conscientious, or “philosophical” exemption, leaving parents to either submit their children to the needle, or have a spiritual revival and become Christian Scientists. Not that Christian Scientists are bad people, but trying to avoid medical tyranny is an unfortunate reason to have to change religions.
HB 1674 – Donna Howard (District 48 – Travis County). The State would place a physician in between parents and any waiver for conscientious or religious exemption, for “counseling.” Keep in mind that vaccines are commercially produced products, together comprising a $25 billion dollar industry, making these physicians paid to move these products. There’s no sales pitch in the world like “your children can’t stay alive without our intervention, and it will be your fault if you don’t buy this product,” especially when the government subjects you to it by force.

The Vaccine Industry Committee. Yes, that’s a thing, and yes, multi-million dollar corporations are on it in partnership with the government to force their products on you. Image:
HB 1593 – Cesar Blanco (District 76 – El Paso County). Stay away! Unclean! One step shy of making children ring leper bells, this legislation would force Texas schools to publicize numbers of unvaccinated students. This action on the part of the State would serve little purpose other than to further reinforce the “official” view on vaccines, which encourages shunning non-compliant children and their parents from normal society.
HB 212 – Toni Rose (District 110 – Dallas County). Following the logic of free birth control and abortion for children biologically “old enough” to have sex, this innovative legislation would take the power away from conscientious and religious-exempt parents, and put it in the hands of the children themselves, as young as fourteen. Let’s analyze whether this is a good idea by using questions. When you were fourteen years old, would you classify yourself as having been ready to make adult decisions? Hellz yeah, I’m an individual! Would you classify yourself as impressionable? Pssht whatever, dork! I’m not part of your society. At least Marilyn Manson like, understands. Were you sold a bill o’goods once or twice as a teenager? Never! Ever flim-flammed out of money at the cash register at your summer job? Nope! Dress a certain way, talk a certain way or hold certain political beliefs just because everyone else around you was doing it? Hell no, I’m a nonconformist like all my friends! Did you ever rebel against your parents’ rules just because they got in the way of your image? I can’t even hear you right now, you’re such a sellout. How would you like the State, with powers of manipulation irresistible to most adults, to facilitate that rebellion, making teenagers not only to defy their parents, but to feel validated in doing so? Omigawd, you sound like such a fag, fag.
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HB 465 – Donna Howard (District 48 – Travis County), J.D. Sheffield (Erath, Comanche, McCulloch, Mills, Hamilton, Coryell, San Saba, Somervell Counties). This is the bill, along with its companion, SB 29, that lets the government track you like your dog, in a mandatory, state-run database of who’s vaccinated and who’s not. If that, together with the elimination of the conscientious exemption, physician drug-pushing, school reporting and child manipulation doesn’t raise every alarm in your body, you are likely part of the problem. They don’t just want to know how many of you there are – they want to know exactly who you are. And they’ll be keeping you in mind.
SB 547 – Rodney Ellis (D-13). More school reporting of the unclean, however this bill actually requires schools to post their exemption numbers on the internet. Otherwise, how would sensible parents know if their vaccinated children are sitting next to your filthy mongrels?
SB 298 – Kirk Watson (D-14). This bill piles on a new vaccine mandate for Texas schools, this one for bacterial meningitis, because with 341 total cases in 2007 and no data available thereafter, it is apparently rampant in our schools.
SB 538 – Charles Schwertner (R-5), Donna Campbell (R-25), Lois Kolkhorst (R-18), Jane Nelson (R-12), Charles Perry (R-28), Jose Rodríguez (D-29),
Van Taylor (R-8), Carlos Uresti (D-19), Judith Zaffirini (D-21). This legislation gives the police expanded powers in detaining you without due process, should you be suspected of carrying a contageous disease. Ever read or watch Stephen King’s The Stand? Yeah, it’s kind of like that, especially when you dirty, unvaccinated bio-terrorists catch the superflu, or an icky tummy bug that resembles it. (Watch out for the walkin’ dude)!
These bills must be defeated for the sake of liberty. Regardless of your personal stance on whether vaccines are effective, this package of legislative actions together represent a serious threat to our rights as parents. And with vaccine exemptions being attacked even further across the country, such as California’s attempt to eliminate even religious exemptions, the encroachment of the government into our personal lives deserves nothing if not our full and serious attention, along with our polite but firm mandate to our elected representatives. Whether you vaccinate or not – “do it for the children.”
By Anthony James Kidwell –