From Gavin Seim,
A closing defense does not get much better than this. If this man was on the Supreme court we would have a different America. But in today’s corrupt courts you only convicted, unless one of the jurors has the courage to stand up and say no more. In fact about 92% of jury trials convict in America.
For the result you can watch the update on my conviction. This was streamed in the unprecedented live stream of my trial. Our attorney Stephen Pidgeon takes on the closing argument, walking the line with the judge and destroying every element of the State’s case, just like in my Dad’s trial. He did an amazing job, but the system is rigged for conviction.
If this iconic argument will not open the eyes of jurors, what chance do you have in a court like Douglas County. It’s worth it for the education alone. It also illustrates that no matter how good your argument or how much your experience, you will likely lose in our corrupt courts. You get a jury of slaves, NOT your peers.
Folks are always telling me I should use this or that technique to make the courts run away. It usually comes from those that beat a traffic ticket at best. What they don’t understand is that these tyrants don’t care about the facts, the law or what you think. If they really want you, they could care less what approach you take.
Don’t kid yourself into thinking you’ll walk into court and win with legal name arguments, jurisdiction, opt outs or anything else. As we saw in the pro-se Shatseen trial, you will not even be allowed the latitude Stephen was. Even Stephen could not speak openly. He was not allowed the self defense argument in instructions, he cannot talk about nullification (though here he proved the law was not broken anyways) and he must follow court protocol.
If you refuse to show up they arrive at your door with guns. If you refuse to cooperate they lock you in a cell. If you are silent, they simply convict you. The only way to restore justice is to restore liberty.
Everyone involved in judging is paid by the State. The jurors are made to take an oath to obey the goverment and apply the law as they are told. Despite the fact that that instruction is unconstitutional and that a jurors actual duty is to conscience alone as I explained in THIS VIDEO.
I’ll add a copy of the jurors oath below so you can see just how bad it is. Is it any wounder why jurors do exactly what the State tells them. They are intimidated into doing just that and we have built a nation of spineless people who would rather go home and watch sports than stand for what is right.
I could not be more proud to stand up to the thugs in Douglas County. I could not be more proud of my family who has also been abused by them. I could not have held my head nigher in that courtroom. We did the right thing in standing and it’s time to start standing all over America. This nation is about to come apart.
Yes we will appeal to the next court, yes we try to make an example of them. But the most important thing is to keep standing for what is right.
Be bold, be principled appeal to heaven and stand, come what may.
— Gav
Jurors Oath:
“You, as jurors, are the judges of the facts. But in determining what actually happened–that is, in reaching your decision as to the facts–it is your sworn duty to follow all of the rules of law as I explain them to you.
You have no right to disregard or give special attention to any one instruction, or to question the wisdom or correctness of any rule I may state to you. You must not substitute or follow your own notion or opinion as to what the law is or ought to be. It is your duty to apply the law as I explain it to you, regardless of the consequences. However, you should not read into these instructions, or anything else I may have said or done, any suggestion as to what your verdict should be. That is entirely up to you.
It is also your duty to base your verdict solely upon the evidence, without prejudice or sympathy. That was the promise you made and the oath you took.
Back in January of this year a determined activist group took over a Douglas County Court in Washington State and took a stand against tyranny. Gav Seim has made waves before by assisting in the organization of one of the biggest felony civil disobedience gatherings to ever take place in America. This is inspiring and shines a light from the lighthouse of Liberty, I hope this continues around the country and the world. Events like these are absolutely essential if we are to ever have a remote chance to defeat these tyrants.
The explanation of this act of defiance is described below by the lead activist, Gav Seim.
We all knew this was happening but did not want to face it. It has never been exposed to the world like this until today. — Around the nation, Kangaroo Courts like this are abusing us. Once people walk through those doors their rights are as worthless as dung and they are silenced in fear of tyrant judges and a system that has nothing whatsoever to do with justice.
What we see here are 1st, 4th, 6th and 14th amendment violations! What precipitated all the events in this courtroom was the open defiance of the 1st amendment by Douglas County officials when they only allowed their approved press to record. A press that went right out and reported exactly what the State wanted them to.
“Who Stands With Me?”
That’s what my brother Nathan said when he was grabbed by police and dragged out, simply for being a patriot. You need to decide if you will stand!
We were attacked, violated and Arrested for defending the Constitution, our right to due process and our right to free speech. It’s time to take back our courts America. It’s time to take back our liberty.
The “justice” of tyrants is to accuse their victims of the very actions and crimes they have committed! It was a rigged trial of a young man who Douglas County, Washington officials wanted to make an example of.
What was his crime? He asked a police officer why he was being stopped! You can see that video here.
Seeing ongoing obstruction from the County, a band of about 20 patriots showed up in support and to make sure the defendant got a fair trial. They started up cameras at the defendant’s request and sat to watch and support Tell Shasteen.
Then all hell broke loose! County officials attacked, swooping in and dragging Nathan Seim out of the courtroom. The judge had not even entered the room. He called out to the crowd and the group of patriots stood up, blocking the way. Deputies used Nathan as a human battering ram, slamming into the men, blocking their path and kidnapping him from what moments ago had been a peaceful courtroom.
I had momentarily left the room before the trial was to begin and returned to pandemonium. The courtroom was chaos and defiance. I moved to the front just as the judge entered.
I challenged the blocking of cameras from the courtroom and the removal of my brother, Nathan, from the courtroom without cause, which amounted to abduction. After some oral arguments with the judge, police rushed in and tackled me to the floor as the crowd erupted in anger. I was taken out and soon after my dad was also arrested. We spent about 24 hours in jail and it was good. You can read about my thoughts on that here. But we stood together and we stood proud for justice. We were not in jail for doing evil, but for doing good. For that, we should always stand tall.
Douglas County District Court obstructed justice in nearly every way during the trial and Tell was convicted by the tainted jury. All this because a man asked a bully officer a question. Tell was handed a sentence of 5 days in jail and a year probation plus fines. That’s like a sentence that an assault, or DUI offender would receive. JUST FOR ASKING A QUESTION. He is appealing.
Our trials are coming this Spring. Douglas county is beside themselves with vengeance. They have made up violations and charged me with Obstructing a Court, Disorderly Conduct, and Contempt of Court. Which are in fact only some of the crimes that THEY committed. My dad was charged with Obstructing a court, and Disorderly Conduct. Due to the nature of the charges we have hired renowned Constitutional attorney Stephen Pidgeon. We are not backing down. We ask for your support and your prayers. We must stand up to the rising police state!
The bigger message here is not one of failure but of liberty. We have cowered to lawless tyrants for many years. Yes, we were arrested. Yes, liberty is a sometimes rocky road and our stand comes at a price. But this was a victory, an example of exposing tyranny and of how much power the people hold if they simply stand!
About half the jury pool was friends or family of the police. It was a complete Kangaroo trial and I expect the same there. The Wenatchee World was the only media allowed. Not surprisingly, they were there to watch the antics so they could go report a biased story. And they did just that! Apparently thinking no one would know the difference. Oops.
I’m a photographer by trade and I know what photographers look for. I remember going down and seeing that reporter with his camera in the corner of my eye and thinking “I have to stay classy. I’m not going to give him the photo he wants, that shot of a kicking and screaming activist that they can paint as a radical.” And he did not get it either. It was pretty funny.
It took time to get this video together. Much of it was recorded by myself and the brave patriots in the room that day. Some of it was demanded from the County cameras under discovery. There was a LOT of logistics to get it all in one place. But we did get it and this was a great reminder that had those cameras not been rolling, the outcome could have been very different.
I remember holding on to my backup camera like I never have before when the were cuffing me. I twisted my hands around to get the best angle I could and keep the video rolling because I have learned from experience how important the message is. The key here is to expose the tyranny and awaken the hearts and minds of all of you, the people of The United States Of America. There was a certain peace in that courtroom. The peace that comes from knowing that God is on your side and liberty will eventually win.
Let me say this, also: I’ve seen many videos where tyrants abuse citizens for speaking truth while the room sits as silent slaves! Never be those slaves America. NEVER be silent in the face of evil.
I’m proud of all these Seims standing as one. I’m proud of Tell refusing to bow down to tyranny and defending himself well, even though they blocked him at every step. I’m told at one point he pulled a Constitution out of his pocket and held it towards the judge asking “do you use this for toilet paper?!”
Apparently the Douglas County Sheriff’s office shut down their switchboard rather than face the sheer volume of concerned citizens calling them. I’m thankful for all the support and calls people put out once they heard what was being done. I am proud of every one of the patriots there that day. They had the courage to come into this courtroom, to stand on principle and on liberty; to look tyranny in the eye with bold defiance and say, I WILL NOT COMPLY!
This is just the start. The liberty is shaking the ground and the tyrants are terrified.
— Gav
How you can help:
We need your support. Legal fees and taking on corruption comes at a price. Please donate if you can. Your ongoing prayers also mean a lot. God is with us when we stand for what is right. Finally please share this everywhere and call one of these officials if you can.
Numbers you can call:
Douglas County Non-Emergency Line: (509) 663-9911
Okanogan County Sheriff (holds political prisoners for Douglas): (509) 422-7200
Douglas County Sheriff: (509) 884-0941
Douglas County prosecutor Steve Clem: (509) 745-8535
Douglas County Commissioners – Ken Stanton, Dale Snyder, Steve Jenkins: (509) 745-8537
Lynn Kopa Balogh
Gavin seim is just a childish ass trying to pull useless word games with busy working people. A useless human ass
Grey Beard
Jury trials are not biased towards convictions. They result in such a high conviction rates because the vast majority of people brought before a jury are guilty of violating the law. Just like you and your father were guilty and a jury of your peers spoke and declared you both as such. Is that too hard a concept for you to comprehend or is it a rigged conviction since this court was not mentioned specifically in the Constitution?