The members of The Don’t Comply Crew stood tall at the Trump Rally in Dallas, TX. Armed with riot shields and open carrying their handguns. They were not their to support Trump and they were not there to Protest him. Don’t Comply is made up of people with every political view, from liberal and conservative, to libertarians and anarchist, and even atheist and the religious yet we stand shoulder to shoulder like brothers. We have seen past the divide and conquer techniques of our rulers and amass together under the umbrella of Freedom!
The one thing every one within Don’t Comply can all agree on is in Texas our fellow citizens have the right to hold a peaceful rally, and to be able to go see the candidate of their choice without being assaulted and attacked by a mob of angry protesters that have been bused into our community. Across America Police have stood down or cowered inside buildings while mobs destroyed cars and injured Trump supporters. The Don’t Comply Team showed up with their gear to keep the peace, because an armed society is a polite society.[adinserter block=”1″]
We believe in simple things, such as free men do not need to beg for permission of fallible men who claim to be our rulers. They tell us we can not buy firearms to protect ourselves while they ship rifles to CIA ran drug cartels in Mexico. There is something wrong when you can work your entire life to pay off a home yet the government can force you to pay rent in form of steep property tax for the rest of your life and if you fail to pay their ransom, worthless men who never made an honest pay check can simply steal your property. There is something wrong when your only 2 choices for a ruler will still end in drone strikes, endless war, and stealing taxes from half of the population to enforce your opinions on the other half. We also allow people to be locked away for victim-less crimes for their entire life at our expense because they had the wrong type of plant in their pocket. All this while our ruling class has fully realized they reside over a sheeple population and they can act in the most corrupt and tyrannical way without any consequences. Maybe its time we no longer willing participate in this madness maybe its time we DON’T COMPLY.