I’m a firm supporter of the militia. But it means a lot of things to a lot of people.
For the liberals, it implies ‘terrorism’ and ‘gang violence’, obviously I disagree. They also tend to see us militia guys like Ralph,

Don’t let these liberals bother you.
The original inspiration for the Second Amendment comes from George Mason at the 1788 Virginia Ratifying Convention. For Mason it meant:
“What is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials.”
Mason believed, the militia was all people, except for perhaps a political elite. He intended that people exercise their rights wholly separate from the machinery of government. And was specific to mention that it does in fact include ALL people, or in post-1868 terminology ‘all citizens’.
James Madison quoted George Mason’s 1788 dissent almost verbatim when he authored the 2nd Amendment. His words on the militia are not much different from Mason’s,
“A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.”
Madison very much intended that the militia be composed of all of the people and that they should train with their arms, but he also included intent, in specifies that the reason why you train is for the defense of a free county. Not the defense of our country. The defense “of a free country”. He’s not saying the militia should defend our government. He’s saying that a free country naturally is defended by the entire people, who are also trained in arms. If the entire people are not free to train and to defend, this should imply that the country is not a free country (by Madison’s logic).

Citizens marching off to defend liberty.
For George Washington it meant:
“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.”
For Washington, the militia didn’t need only bylaws and a uniform but furthermore, needed the agricultural and manufacturing capabilities to maintain itself as independent in terms of military supply. He had just finished leading an army of thousands to victory. He had watched soldiers starve and freeze and run out of ammunition. He knew what was most important to a militia fighting an enemy: logistics. He intended that the militia also include all such people who, though may not fight, may support the logistical capabilities of the fighting force and provide for them the armaments and necessary supplies which they may not have nor be able to make. At the time this included cannons, bombs, guns, ammunition, and virtually any other material needed by a capable military.
For Jefferson, he saw this from a higher perspective. A truly classic Jefferson quote goes,
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”
In reference to the militia, this gives a stern feeling of intent. Jefferson’s allegory shows liberty to be a tree, a life-form in cycle, one that periodically must be refreshed to stay healthy. A portion of this refreshment requires the death of tyrants – and as many military men and women can attest – the death of patriots as well.
The militia is a well-trained whole, one governed by laws and one devoted to liberty. Today, when we speak of militia, we speak of individuals getting together and training, observing the laws, and speaking of liberty.
Set all that aside…
For me, the militia is simply a form of martial arts.

1855, Guangzhou Militia
It is sinocentric to imply that martial arts should necessarily be Karate or Kung-Fu. These were simply the militia arts of the Chinese 18th century. Our militia exists in a new age, an age of not just hand to hand combat or melee offense and defense, but one that includes drones, radios, networks, software, firearms, manufacturing, logistics, supply and ultimately community and teamwork.
Some of us focus on self-sufficiency. We’re not all cut out for combat but we are still interested. We include everyone who help us maintain a healthy, long-term presence wherever we might be, either this Saturday at a camp out or somewhere after SHTF. It takes more than just soldiers to defend. It takes drivers, farmers, builders, and family all working and training together to defend liberty.[adinserter block=”1″]
When I tell my non-militia friends where I’m going, I tell them I’m going to man-scouts. It’s a joke. But it rings true, relatively.
I think many of you reading who attend MMA and other martial arts concur, that martial arts is much more than just learning how to defend oneself. Martial arts – or militia arts – also involves community and volunteering, not just learning to defend, but training others to defend. Not just preparing for the violent despair in the world, but actively attempting to improve the world out of this state of despair.
I’ve never visited with a militia group who were planning a mass insurrection or intending to commit crimes. In just the same way the martial artists are simply looking to better themselves and improve their own personal strength, the militia seeks to do the very same. If you go to MMA talking about how you are going to go and commit assaults against a bunch of people. they will probably kick you out of the gym. It you go train with a militia and start talking about how you are going to commit assaults against a bunch of people, they will probably call the sheriff on you. No joke.
For many, the militia means so many things. I hope to bring a better light to this topic over the course of my work.
Ultimately, it means nothing if you simply learn how to fight and do not also learn how to avoid fighting.
By Sovereign Wil – DontComply.com